Monday, April 19, 2010

Hard to Let Go

Things have been so hectic the last few months, I haven't been posting all the wonderful things that have popped into my head that I want to share with you. So I thought I might take this week to do a little show and tell so I can let you in on some of the goodies going on around Grace Goods.

A few weeks before we planned to move, I made an effort to stop by a local thrift store in Gadsden (actually Rainbow City) America's Thrift Store. The place is huge and I made a hurried trip through the store. But look at the lovelies!

I fell in love with these green teapot, with it's wire handle. It's missing the top, but I could care less.

And this beautiful twin bed throw! Guess how much? Go ahead-GUESS!!!
-$10.00 - No
-$8.50 - Nope
-$5.00 Not!
-$2.48 - Yeap!!!

How can you pass that up? And I think it will make a wonderful throw over our big Papasan chair.

I hardly ever look at the lingerie section in these stores, but a usual, things just seem to jump out at me. And this little sweet was calling-(screaming!) my name. After being married for 8 years and having two kids, things like this don't usually make much difference to me, but I just fell in love with this one. I thought that if I was way off, at least I could sell it in the shop. Well, she was made for me. And Sweet Hubby likes it too!!

And the hanger...swoon! Ft Myers Beach, Florida!! I have always wanted to start collecting these, so here starts my collection. I only need two more to make it official, right?

Photo shoot for the green teapot. I actually listed it in the shop.

And after having a dream about it, I removed the listing the very next day!! So much for a shopping trip for the shop!!! I'm wondering for those of you who have shops and resale items, do you ever have situations like this when you had intentions of purchasing something to resale but then can't seem to bring yourself to let go of the item or is it just me?!? Please tell me it's not just me :0)


1 comment:

  1. I do it all the time!

    Best wishes to you in your new residence.
